Steven Fimbres

Software Engineer

About Me

Hello! I am Steven Fimbres. I am a recent graduate from UC San Diego. I graduated with a B.S in Mathematics-Computer Science and a minor in Business. I am currently looking for an entry-level position as a Full-Stack Software Engineer. Feel free to check out my projects below or contact me at any time.

I'll try and summarize myself in a few sentences. Some of my favorite hobbies include attending concerts, playing video games, exercising, and trying new food spots. I love watching and playing sports. My favorite teams are the Dodgers, Lakers, and Broncos. Cats are my favorite animal, but I also love dogs. I love watching comedies. My favorite genre of music is alternative rock. Lastly, but not least, I am a die-hard In-n-Out fan.


University of California, San Diego

Mathematics-Computer Science

Business Minor (Rady School of Management)

GPA: 3.529


Computer Science

CSE 3. Fluency in Information Technology

CSE 8A. Introduction to Computer Science: Java I

CSE 8B. Introduction to Computer Science: Java II

CSE 12. Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design

CSE 15L. Software Tools and Techniques Laboratory

CSE 21. Mathematics for Algorithms and Systems

CSE 30. Computer Organization and Systems Programming

CSE 100. Advanced Data Structures

CSE 101. Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CSE 105. Theory of Computability

CSE 110. Software Engineering

CSE 130. Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms


MATH 15A. Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

MATH 18. Linear Algebra

MATH 20A. Calculus for Science and Engineering

MATH 20B. Calculus for Science and Engineering

MATH 20C. Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Science and Engineering

MATH 20D. Introduction to Differential Equations

MATH 20E. Vector Calculus

MATH 103A. Modern Algebra I

MATH 103B. Modern Algebra II

MATH 109. Mathematical Reasoning

MATH 157. Introduction to Mathematical Software

MATH 170A. Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Linear Algebra

MATH 170B. Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Approximation and Nonlinear Equations

MATH 180A. Introduction to Probability

MATH 184. Enumerative Combinatorics


MGT 16. Personal Ethics at Work

MGT 45. Principles of Accounting

MGT 103. Product Marketing and Management

MGT 112. Global Business Strategy

MGT 181. Enterprise Finance


Codecademy Full-Stack Engineer (in progress)

Take a look at some of the projects I have worked on:


Highlighted Projects

Fridge Buddy

Node.js | Java | Firebase

FridgeBuddy is a computer vision application used to detect food items and recommend recipes using modern recipe API’s. My role on this project was "Database Specialist" and my main responsibility was maintaining a Firebase database to securely store user input and account information. With FridgeBuddy, you can create and manage a Fridge, join an existing Fridge, update your Fridge inventory manually or by taking a picture of your food items, and track expiration dates so food never goes to waste! The project was implemented in a 10-person agile group and work was done remotely using GitHub version control. Android Studio was used to write code and display the application on an emulator. The front-end was written in Java and the backend used a Node.js server. The Microsoft Azure API was used to scan food items, while the Spoonacular API was used to recommend recipes.

Circus Frenzy

C++ | OpenGl

Circus Frenzy is an arcade style game where the user must reach their objective without being captured by Bongo, a killer clown, using classic WASD + mouse first person movement controls. The game ends when Bongo reaches the player, or the player reaches the police car at the far end of the street. This game relies heavily on lighting techniques to create a creepy atmosphere. Some of the technical features displayed throughout this project include first person camera control, particle effects, bump mapping, bloom/halo effects, and shadow mapping. This project was completed in a 2-person group with equal efforts towards creativity and coding.

CSE 3 Class Website

HTML | CSS | JavaScript

This website was created in CSE 3 and is hosted through UCSD acsweb servers. When you reach the website, click on the CSE 3 link to be taken to a directory of projects that I worked on throughout the quarter.

Other projects


Calculator with built in parser

Dictionaries with spellchecker

Implementation of advanced data structures:

Binary Search Trees

Hash Tables

Balanced Tree: AVL

Balanced Tree: Red Black


Sorting and Graph algorithms:

Huffman (compress/decompress)


Breadth-first Search

Depth-first Search

Binary Search

Merge Sort


Insertion Sort

C++ and OpenGL:

Circus Frenzy

Rendering 3D Points

Scene Graph and Sky Box


FridgeBuddy (Android App)

Critter Simulation

2048 Game copycat

Pixel Manipulation


GitHub Portfolio Webpage

CSE3 First Website

Blackjack Simulation (JavaScript)

Pokemon Battle Simulation (JavaScript)

Rock Paper Scissors (JavaScript)



Unix Scripting

note: Source code for classroom projects will not be publicly available due to UCSD's Academic Integrity policy.


Work Experience

BREATHE Southern California

Web Design Intern

March 2021

Languages and Frameworks













Android Studios


Command Line




Linux/Unix Terminal

Text Editor's
